was the first to report that the sex MMS that has gone viral on Whatsapp supposedly of Shahrukh Khan's son Aryan Khan is fake. The boy and the girl shown in the MMS are the lookalikes of the celeb kids. Now other websites too, that had reported Aryan Khan features with his friend, also assumed to be a star kid, featured in the MMS scandal, are retracting from their defaming reportage. We were the first who had reported the circulation of the clip over instant messaging app and that the clip in fact featured individuals who looked similar to the two star kids but was not genuine.
Anak Shahrukh Khan (Aryan Khan) Buat Hal Tersebar was the first to report that the sex MMS that has gone viral on Whatsapp supposedly of Shahrukh Khan's son Aryan Khan is fake. The boy and the girl shown in the MMS are the lookalikes of the celeb kids. Now other websites too, that had reported Aryan Khan features with his friend, also assumed to be a star kid, featured in the MMS scandal, are retracting from their defaming reportage. We were the first who had reported the circulation of the clip over instant messaging app and that the clip in fact featured individuals who looked similar to the two star kids but was not genuine.
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